Last edition at 05/03/2007 Terminology. ------------ Module is totality of patterns; position list determines its playing order. Into a module all used samples and ornaments, note table number, song author and title strings, file header and initial speed are included. Position list is a list of patterns in playing order. Loop position is included into this term also. Maximum length of position list is 256 positions. Pattern is totality of lines with notes, commands and parameters. Line structure is described further. At the other point of view, pattern is totality of tracks (columns). Pattern length is a number of lines in pattern. Sample is base structure of Pro Tracker 3. It is totality of parameters, which fully determines note sounding (amplitude, noise, envelope and frequency) in the time. Ornament is simple sample, which determines only note frequency in the time. Differ from sample, ornament adjust frequency in halftones. In most cases, ornaments are used to simulate accords. Note table (tone table) is a list of values, which are loading into tone registers of AY-3-8910/12 (or YM2149F, further AY) for each note. The table determines frequency of each note of Pro Tracker 3. Number of notes is 96 (from C-1 to B-8). There are four note tables in Pro Tracker 3 (numbers from 0 to 3). File header is string are identifying the module. For the moment two header types are known: 'ProTracker 3.x compilation of ', where x is subversion number, and 'Vortex Tracker II 1.0 module: '. Vortex Tracker II uses the header during loading module to detect 3xxx command style. Loop position is a position list item, from which playing is restarted after replaying of all positions in the list. Speed (tempo) is number of interrupts per one line of pattern. On ZX Spectrum interrupt frequency is about 50 Hz. Pattern. -------- At the picture you can see schematic structure of pattern's line. 00|....|..|--- .... ....|--- .... ....|--- .... .... 11 2222 33 444 5555 6666 444 5555 6666 444 5555 6666 Channel A Channel B Channel C Point means the zero digit (0). Vertical lines separate track columns. '11' track is used for lines numeration, so the track is not editable. '2222' track determines envelope frequency. Hexadecimal value is for writing into R11R12 AY registers (only if corresponding command is present in position '5555'). '33' track determines noise offset (hexadecimal number from 0 to 1F). The number is addition to corresponding value of playing sample, result is stored in R6 AY register. Other three tracks are identical between each other. Each of them manages sound in corresponding AY channel (A, B or C). '444' cell is for storing note. Note has next structure: C-1 or C#2 123 123 1 - Latin note name (in this case it is DO). 2 - can hold diesis (#), in other case there is minus (-). 3 - octave number. There are eight octaves from 1 to 8. Octave 1 is contraoctave. Three minuses (---) means note absence in the cell, in this case '444' cell not affects to the sounding in channel. '444' cell can hold sound off command in the channel (R--). '5555' cells has next structure: QF1E 'Q' is a sample number. Value is used only if note or sound off command is placed in the '444' cell. There are 31 samples, numeration begin from 1. There is used numeration system with 32 digits (0-9,A-V). Zero value (.) means sample absence, in this case would be used previously defined sample number. PT3 format allows to use 'zero sample'. It can be used in future versions as sample number W. 'F' is a place for envelope commands. If there is number from 1 to E, then it is value of R13 AY register, simultaneously into R11R12 registers are storing value of track '2222'. F value is used for disabling envelopes. 0 value means command absence. For command working presence of note in '444' cell is not required. '1' is ornament number (from 0 to F). Ornament #0 works only if previous cell (envelope) has a non-zero value (i.e. envelope type or envelope off). Ornaments from #1 to #F can be set independently from previouse cell (new satndard in PT 3.69). For command working presence of note in '444' cell is not required. So, you can use envelope and ornament simultaneously, but remember that ornament works only with tone generators. For command working presence of note in '444' cell is not required. 'E' is channel volume. Values from 1 to F determine volume, and 0 for using previously determined volume. For command working presence of note in '444' cell is not required. '6666' cells are for storing special commands. 11.1 NDPp 'N' is command number, in this case 1. 0 (.) means command absence. 'D' for some commands determines 'Delay' parameter (period of command working). 'Pp' is command parameter (for some commands it is two parameters are 'P' and 'p'). Special commands. ----------------- Pro Tracker 3 allows to use only one additional command per line of channel track. But PT3 format allows use any number of commands, and it can be used in future versions of Vortex Tracker II. Command number 1. Sound frequency decreasing in the channel. 'Delay' parameter determines period (in interrupts) of frequency updates, and 'Pp' parameter determines value of each update (in AY tone register's units). Command number 2. Sound frequency increasing in the channel. Works like command 1. Other names of 1 and 2 commands are 'tone gliss' and 'tone slide' and so on (glissando, glissade). PT 3.7 standard allows 1 and 2 special commands with Delay=0. In this case only single tone frequency changing by 'Pp'-value down or up is occured instead of glissando. Command number 3. Other name of 3 command is 'tone portamento'. It is sliding from previous note frequency to frequency of note, which is set in current line. You can do easy transition from one note to another. This is main meaning of command, all other its features are not documented. Standard ZX Spectrum compiled modules player (of PT3.5x and older) has error, which can be found, if you are trying to do sliding between notes in different patterns. Anyway, any Pro Tracker 3 editor, Vortex Tracker II, new VT II ZX Spectrum player and Ay_Emul handle this situation rightly. Also, PT3.6x players has errors in portamento playing too, so, use only VT II ZX PT3-player. Command parameters are identical to commands 1 and 2. Vortex Tracker II and Pro Tracker 3.6 and higher allow to use another 3xxx command interpretation for situations like D-5 1F.F .... --- .... 11.1 D-5 .... 31.1 Additionally, Vortex Tracker II and all its players allows to do things like D-5 1F.F .... --- .... 11.1 --- .... 31.1 Try to hear differences in editor to understand idea. New 3xxx interpretation is not compatible with PT 3.5 and older, they will play it as usually. Pro Tracker 3.6x of Alone Coder partially supports new 3xxx style. All three tone sliding commands can be stopped by command like '1...'; also sliding can be stopped by setting note or sound off command (R--). All tone sliding commands stop the command 6 work (if it was before). Command number 4. Starts sample playing from position 'Pp'. During note setting, sample starts playing from zero position (i.e. from its begin). Command 4 allows to start sample playing from any place. Command number 5. Works like command 4, but for ornament. Command number 6. Periodical sound off/on in channel. 'P' parameter defines number of interrupts, during which sound is on (from 1 to F), and 'p' parameter defines number of interrupts, during which sound is off (from 1 to F). Command 6 stops any tone sliding (if it was before). If 'P' parameter is zero, than command 6 has no any effect, though can be used as tone sliding terminator (commands 1-3). And if 'p' parameter is zero, then command simply turn off sound after 'P' interrupts. Command number 9. Envelope frequency decreasing (slide). Parameters are identical to command 1. Command number A. Envelope frequency increasing (slide). Parameters are identical to command 2. 'Pp' parameter of 9 and A commands is defined in envelope period units of AY. To stop envelope sliding use command like '9...' or set new envelope command in any channel. Command number B. Set playing speed ('Pp' parameter). Of course, you can set any speed, but if you want to play your module on ZX Spectrum by standard PT 3.5 player, then use only 3-FF range (standard PT player of version 3.5 and lower can't play faster than speed 3). New players (3.6 and higher) from Alone Coder allow speed 2. In any editors, in VT II ZX and Atari ST players and in Ay_Emul you can use any tempo at range 1-FF. Sample. ------- Sample defines note sounding in time. Like patterns, sample is totality of lines with parameters. Lines are played on interrupt frequency (about 50 Hz). Maximal length of sample is 64 lines. Sample is always looped in PT3. In the Vortex Tracker II line numeration is made in hexadecimal notation for using without conversion as parameter of special command 4 (sample offset). Lets see one line of sample: Sample line structure 1F|tne +000_ +00(00)_ F_ *************** 11 234 56667 899 AA B CD EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Column '11' is used for lines numeration. Use this number as parameter of special command 4 (if you need). Column '2' contains tone mask. 'T' means, that tone sound is allowed, and 't' means, that tone sound is not allowed in this line. Column '3' contains noise mask. 'N' means, that noise sound is allowed, and 'n' means, that noise sound is not allowed in this line. Column '4' contains envelope mask. 'E' means, that envelope sound is allowed, and 'e' means, that envelope sound is not allowed in this line. Column '5' contains sign of tone deviation from its base value. Column '666' contains value of tone deviation in hexadecimal form. So, range of tone deviation from its base value is -FFF..+FFF. It's enough, because tone registers are 12-bit size in AY. Column '7' contains marker of accumulation of tone deviation. '^' means, that accumulation is on, and '_' means, that accumulation is off. Fields '56667' are structure for managing tone deviation. There base tone value is defined by note setting in pattern in one of channel (corresponding value from note table). If accumulation is off, sample not changes base, though value of "base tone value + deviation from sample (fieled '5666')" is written to AY tone registers. If accumulation is on ('^' in column '7'), base value is changed by '5666' units. Base changing is equal to accumulation of deviations. For example, let's see, how values of '56667' fields are used in tone period calculation for C-4 note (in note table #2 it is 1A2): 56667 Base Tone Comment register value +000_ 1A2 1A2 +001_ 1A2 1A3 Base is not changed, but frequency is another +000_ 1A2 1A2 Back to C-4 note frequency +002^ 1A4 1A4 Frequency and base both are changed +002^ 1A6 1A6 -004_ 1A6 1A2 Frequency back to C-4, but base is still offset -004^ 1A2 1A2 Back base and frequency to initial C-4 note As you can see, with tone accumulation you can do sliding of tone, with using right looping. For example, if you'll loop next line: 00|Tne +100^ +00(00)_ F- *************** than you can hear something like drum (only one sample line!). Column '8' contains noise/envelope deviation sign. Column '99' contains hexadecimal noise/envelope frequency deviation from base value. Column 'AA' contains absolute (without sign) view of '99' column value. Column 'B' contains mark of noise/envelope accumulation of deviation (like tone). Fields '899 AA B' are structure for managing deviation of noise/envelope frequency from base value. It manage noise if noise mask is on ('N'), and envelope in all other cases (even if envelope mask is off). It works like tone managing. Range of deviation is -10..+0F. For noise it's enough, but not for envelope. If you need more deviation for envelope, you can use simultaneously several samples in different channels (all deviations of envelope are summed). Sometime for managing noise you need absolute value of noise register. In this case in 'AA' field you can see and edit absolute representation of '99' field (5-bit value 00..1F). Unfortunately, envelope frequency accumulation in Pro Tracker 3 realized in byte value, so maximal envelope deviation cannot exceed -128..+127 bounds. It means, that you can't do complete analog of 9 and A special commands in sample. Field 'C' contains absolute amplitude value for this sample line. Field 'D' can contain signs of increasing sample volume by one ('+'), decreasing sample volume by one ('-'), or sign '_', which means "leave sample volume without changes". Field 'E' contains graphical representation of 'C' field (number of '*' is equal to value of 'C' field). Value of 'C' field is goes to AY amplitude register after addition with sample volume. Current sample volume is relative and equal to +0 after sample starts work. Commands in 'D' field can increase or decrease sample volume. So, -15 sample volume totally deaden sound of tone, and +15 set amplitude to maximum for any 'C' field value. If you'll loop next line, sound will quiet after 14 interrupts (like staccato): 00|Tne +000_ +00(00)_ F- *************** moreover first amplitude on AY will be 14, and not 15, because sample volume decreasing starts at first line of sample (be attentively). If you'll loop next line, sound will be increased after 14 interrupts. At the same cause, increasing starts from 1, not from 0: 00|Tne +000_ +00(00)_ 0+ For smoother quieting, loop several lines instead of one. For example: 00|Tne +000_ +00(00)_ F_ *************** 01|Tne +000_ +00(00)_ F_ *************** 02|Tne +000_ +00(00)_ F_ *************** 03|Tne +000_ +00(00)_ F- *************** will be quieting four times slower than first example. Looped part of sample is marked with background color in Vortex Tracker II. All after looped part is not sample, so you must not use offset in special command 4 (sample offset) after sample end. Ornament. --------- Ornament is sequence of signed integer numbers; each number determines deviation of note frequency from base in halftones (semitones). As sample, ornament is played on interrupt frequency. Ornament is only one method to organize logarithmical tone sliding, but with very big step (halftone). Typically, ornaments are used for accords imitation, though its main meaning corresponds to its name (music term). New standard is defined in Pro Tracker 3.6x and supported in Vortex Tracker II now: if result note is less than C-1 after adding ornament negative value to track note, then it become to C-1. So, you can use big negative value in ornament to make C-1 note from any given one (for example, -96). You can use it in corresponding sample to do note-independent drum. To understand idea, see SNA+.pt3 module. As in sample, you must not use offset in special command 5 (ornament offset) after looped part of ornament. Note tables. ------------ There are four note tables are used in Pro Tracker 3 (numbers from 0 to 3). Table number 0 is not interesting. Table #1 is a traditional table of the most ZX Spectrum sound editors (standard AY-frequency 1,7734 MHz), but in PT3 it is offset by 1 tone lower (i.e. typed C-2 realy sounds like A#1). Note B-2 (must sound like A-2) falses. Table #2 is used for xUSSR AY frequency standard (is idealy closed to 1750000 Hz scale). Table #3 is a table #0 shifted by one halftone lower and not interesting too. Tables of different Pro Tracker 3 versions are not identical (the most different ones are tables #2). Table #1 is unique one, it is same in all Pro Tracker 3 versions. You can see also file ToneTables.csv in Excel. This text author. ----------------- All comments and wishes send to Sergey Bulba at address (c)2002-2007 S.V.Bulba