Arkos Tracker (PSG)
Arkos Tracker replayer sources are delivered with the editor. See:
ayFX (PSG) *.AFB
ayFX is a FX format for PSG. You can edit samples using an editor (for Windows) that can be found here:
The ayFX replayer for MSX made by Z80ST Software includes dynamic channel mixing and integration with PT3 replayer and can be downloaded from
The BGM.BIN driver is required to replay bloadable MSX-MUSIC files created by the BIT2BGM.COM utility of Uwe Schröder that converts Synth Saurus musical files.
FAC Soundtracker (MSX-AUDIO, MSX-MUSIC) *.MUS, *.SM1, *.SM2
First Rate Music hall (MSX-MUSIC) *.PCK
MoonBlaster 1.4 (MSX-MUSIC, MSX-AUDIO) *.MBM, *.MBK
MoonBlaster FM (MoonSound) *.MFM
MoonBlaster Wave (MoonSound) *.MWM, *.MWK
This BASIC driver is spread as a binary file for BASIC programmers and as a source file for ML programmers. The first part of this text will explain how to use this driver for BASIC programmers. The second part is meant for ML programmers.
The driver supports: - MoonBlaster for MoonSound Wave songs from version 0.90 to 1.14. - DOS1 and DOS2 - Z80,Z80H and R800 (three different drivers)
There is a special version available for 7Mhz users (WAVDRV7.BIN). This version is much faster because (for 7Mhz that is) the wait for the MSX Turbo R is:
PUSH BC POP BC (This is a total of 21 cycles for the Z80)
In the 7Mhz version this is replaced by:
NOP (only 4 Cycles)
This means 17 cycles faster for almost each OUT or IN. And there are a lot of those.
Sourcecode and binaries of the drivers can be downloaded from
see: Oracle
See: Pro Tracker
SCC Blaffer NT (PSG, SCC)
See: SCC Blaffer NT file format
SCC Musixx (SCC) *.SNG
See: SCC Musixx
SEE (Sound Effect Editor) (PSG) *.SEE
See: SEE#File_format
Vortex tracker II (PSG) *.PT3
PT3 is a PSG music format created with Vortex Tracker II - see and used on ZX Spectrum. This replayer has been adapted for MSX by Alfonso D. C. (Dioniso).
The file contains 2 versions :
- A long version, created in 2005 (corrected for Register 7)
- A shorter version, created in 2007 (corrected for Register 7)
There's also another version of this replayer, based in Dioniso's one, using asMSX syntax and adapted to work in ROM by Z80ST Software. You can download it from: