Title: 2d Scrolling Engine Demo Code By: Kevin Picone (c) copyright 2000, Kevin Picone, Underware Design Here's some quick notes about this release: * This code was written with Dark Basic Version 1.06 demo version * It is completely un-opt'd... There are MANY opt's that can be made to it... :) * It's likely to have many bugs in it also.... :) * Your welcome to use this code, as long as you credit me.. * This demo contains files from TRACERS's smooth scrolling demo, and some sprite testing code from the Dark Basic guys also... How does it work ?. It's simulates a popular hardware scrolliing trick, but in software, thats all you need to know... Can it scroll on the Y axis also ?, yes, but this demo doesn't include that code.. This is really just a learning release, nothing more... Cya, Kevin Picone Uwdesign picone@giant.net.au www.uwdesign.50megs.com (OLD GROUP SITE) www.thedrummachine.50megs.com (current site :)