What is Arkos Tracker?

Arkos Tracker is the ultimate musical tool (or “Tracker”) for 8/16-bit computers from the 80’s, such as Amstrad CPC, Atari ST, ZX Spectrum, Oric, VectrexMSX and SHARP MZ-700!

Arkos Tracker 2 is the evolution of STarKos (an Amstrad CPC Tracker) and Arkos Tracker 1 (A Windows-only Tracker), but improves them greatly. Some features:

  • Cross-platform (Windows, Linux, Mac).
  • Manage both standard PSG sound (thanks to an accurate AY-3-8912 emulation) and samples without any distinction!
  • Unlimited PSG count! You can create standard 3-channel songs, or 6, 9, 32 or more if you want!
  • 4 columns of effects per channel, including Arpeggio (via a table or inline value), Pitch, slide, glide, change Arpeggio/Pitch/Instrument speed, etc.
  • Import from MIDI, AKS (Arkos Tracker 1), SKS (STarKos), 128 (BSC’s Soundtrakker), WYZ (Wyz Tracker), MOD, PT3 (Vortex Tracker 2), CHP (Chip’n’sfx).
  • Export to AKG (generic, versatile player), AKY (a new extremely fast player), AKM/AKL (minimalist/lightweight players), or raw for you to use your own format.
  • The AKY player can handle any channel number for you to use all the power of the PlayCity (CPC), Spectrum TurboSound, SpecNext, MSX Darky and MSX FPGA.
  • New sound effect support, shared among songs.
  • Exports can be assembly sources or binaries: it makes it easy to integrate the songs in your production.
  • ROM players available: no more auto-modifying code, a small buffer is used.
  • Sources can be converted to any assembler.
  • Each PSG can have its own frequency (including custom ones).
  • Replay rate from 12Hz to 300Hz, or custom.
  • A song is composed of sub-songs, all sharing the same instruments. Helps you save even more memory!

All the limitations of past AY/YM trackers are blown to pieces with Arkos Tracker 2!

The software is currently in alpha version.

Main limitations:

  • No copy/paste (but present in the Pattern Viewer).
  • No undo/redo.