You will need…
- A PC with a internal 3” floppy disk drive (Guide on how to do this here.)
- A Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7 or 8 PC with a real floppy disk controller, not USB
- Some 3″ floppy disks
- CPCDiskXP (Download from
And this is how you do it.
- Install CPCDiskXP making sure you also install the FdInstall.exe package
- Start CPCDiskXP
- Click the Open button, and choose the DSK file you want to write to disk.
- Choose the Drive you want to write the disk image to.
- Most games will use DSK Side 1, Floppy Head 1.
- Press Write Disk. Now wait for the image to be written to disk. Press OK when done.
Go ahead – try the disk in your Einstein. If this method fails, you can use the alternative method of writing the disk using a piece of software called OmniDisk. I will write a guide for this piece of software in the future.