Here are some of the computers and systems that I have owned in the past.
- Tatung Einstein. I had one of these in the early 90s with almost every game available, all issues of Einstein user magazine and the speculator 2m hardware spectrum emulator. Unfortunately, I gave it away in the late 90s as I didnt have the space to store it at my parents house. Oh how I regret that!
- Fully working vintage luggable – Amstrad PPC 640 with TWIN 720KB floppies!
- After: Partially refurbished 48K Spectrum with Composite Mod – Needs ram testing and a new metal keyboard plate
- Atari 1040 STFM – I actually had the 520FM with Monochrome screen. One of my favourite systems. S.T.O.S was fantastic.
- ZX81 – My first ever computer in early 1982. Chess was great, but not much else in 1K of ram!
- Binatone TV Tennis. My first experience of electronic gaming, thanks to my Grandma and Grandad!