I recently found a post in a retro computer facebook group, where one of the members had uploaded a small program listing in Basic that performs a sort of 150 number in an array. Below the listing was a set of timings from various 8-bit computers of the era.
This listing was from COMPUTE! magazine in the USA, so all the machines listed were more popular stare side, than in the UK.
I have added a video of the programming and running of this speed test to my Youtube channel and as you can see, the Tatung Einstein is faster than most of the old 8-bit machines that were around at the same time.
Here is a screen grab of the facebook group post, along with the listing and the timings.

Tatung Einstein timing: 5:11
That’s right, 5 minutes, 11 seconds.
To be fair, all the machines in the above list had much slower processors than the Einstein, and apart from the IBM PC, Jr and Apple machines, they all cost much less.